Photo of YDEKC leaders at a Member Summit, with the tagline, "Thriving Leaders. Thriving Organizations. Thriving Youth."

YDEKC Members: We wanted to be sure you knew about these offerings and opportunities from our friends (and us). We share these supports below in hopes of supporting youth-serving nonprofit leaders to thrive.


Community Trainings & Supports  

TableTalks Peer Learning Groups
Many YDEKC executive leaders participate in TableTalks — an effective and fun way to build a supportive community, to set and achieve professional and personal goals, and to learn from your peers and seasoned professionals. If you’re interested in learning from other experienced nonprofit professionals, you can view their schedule here.  

School’s Out Washington (SOWA) Community Workshops Calendar
SOWA offers great trainings and conferences with a focus on youth program quality, social emotional learning, cultural responsiveness, structural racism, and more. Look to SOWA’s Professional Learning overview to learn about upcoming workshops and customized training opportunities.

Communities Rise
Communities Rise (formerly Nonprofit Assistance Center (NAC) and Wayfind) provides integrated services under one roof in communities impacted by systemic oppression. Communities Rise offers sustainable tools, trainings, and support to small and midsize nonprofits and microenterprises so that they can increase their capacity and thrive over time. Recognizing a need for connection and healing conversations, they also hold a space for collective learning and collaboration.  

Nonprofit Association of Washington: Trainings, Toolkits, and Webinars
The Nonprofit Association of Washington makes sure that nonprofits have access to learning opportunities that help them know what they need to know, strengthen their skills, and build connections with others. They work in partnership with content experts, local partners, and statewide and national partners to deliver nonprofit education that is relevant and innovative. Check out their calendar!
As a YDEKC Member, if your organization would like to become a member of the Nonprofit Association of Washington, sign up using the discount code and receive 25% off their membership! (Reach out directly to Nonprofit Association of Washington for the code, or contact the YDEKC team.)

501 Commons: Consulting, Bookkeeping, Technology, and Trainings
This organization is a great resource for nonprofits looking for a little support. Check out the many Trainings they offer to help build the capacity of your organization so you can do what you do even better. 


Newsletters & Networking for Nonprofits  

Elevate Washington
Formerly known as the “Youth Program Directory” and the “Registry,” Elevate Washington has become the go-to resource for youth development programs in Washington state. Elevate Washington is a community resource that captures and maintains critical data on Washington’s youth-serving programs. Your organization may already be featured, and families seeking local supports will be able to locate you via this excellent database. Make sure your information is up to date, and use this resource yourself to build affiliations in your region and across the state!  

Best Starts for Kids
If you’ve been in the area, you’re probably already tuned in to what Best Starts for Kids (BSK) has been doing to help our region’s youth through this King County Levy. If you’d like to stay updated, head over to the BSK Blog and subscribe to their newsletter!  

ED Happy Hour Facebook Group
Designed specifically as a place for Executive Directors and leaders of nonprofits, this Facebook Group has over 7000 members working to support one another. If you’re using this social media platform, consider joining this group to strengthen your network!  

Thank you!