News and Events


Thriving leaders. Thriving organizations. Thriving youth.

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap: Tips on Structuring Total Compensation Throughout the Employee Lifecycle

On April 22, 2022, YDEKC hosted a Thriving Leaders Forum on Reimagining Pay Equity in Youth-serving Nonprofits. Our keynote panelists shared strategies ranging from developing a compensation policy than aligns with organizational values to using innovative pay matrixes that begin with the same starting wage for every position to redefining expectations around what level of pay should be offered. (Check out our Resource List to learn more.) Now it's time to dive deeper! To move from ideas to action, YDEKC is continuing our Thriving Leaders series this fall. For our September 23 workshop, we've invited Mala Nagarajan, whose work has influenced local non-profits in King County on this topic, to join us to focus on racially equitable compensation practices.  Join us for Closing the Racial [...] KEEP READING

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Thriving Leaders Workshop: Equitable Compensation with Sustainable Economies Law Center

This spring, YDEKC hosted a Thriving Leaders Forum on Reimagining Pay Equity in Youth-serving Nonprofits. (Check out our Resource List to learn more.) Now it's time to dive deeper! To move from ideas to action, YDEKC is continuing our Thriving Leaders series this fall. For our November 16 workshop, we’ve invited a team from Sustainable Economies Law Center to share a case study on equitable compensation. 

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