News and Events

Our blog highlights news from the youth development field, advocacy updates, and YDEKC member organizations. Blog spotlights are also shared in our monthly Field Notes newsletters — sign up for our mailing list!

Intentional Social-Emotional Development in Summer Programs: Boys & Girls Clubs of King County

Designing and implementing a social-emotional learning curriculum within summer programs across the King County region is no easy task, and yet it is one Stacy Kain of Boys & Girls Clubs of King County relishes. “SEL, trauma informed care—this is the stuff I’m really passionate about,” [...]

Category: Blog

Professional Development Cohort for Highline Public Schools Partners

Are you a community based organization providing services to youth in partnership with Highline Public Schools? Are you interested in connecting and sharing best practices with colleagues who are also engaged in school-community partnerships? This spring, YDEKC is launching a Highline [...]

Category: Blog