News and Events

Our blog highlights news from the youth development field, advocacy updates, and YDEKC member organizations. Blog spotlights are also shared in our monthly Field Notes newsletters — sign up for our mailing list!

Strengthening Adult Mindsets and Social Emotional Skills

SEL Starts With Us: What does that mean to you? This was one of our Symposium themes in 2017, but in reflection after the event, we decided we wanted to be more explicit in our definition of what this means and how important it is to the work we do with young people. There is a range of changes [...]

Category: Blog

We’re hiring!

YDEKC is hiring an Administrative and Database Assistant! Overview Youth Development Executives of King County (YDEKC) is a coalition of youth-serving organizations and a cross-sector convener working to improve outcomes for young people. Representing the executive leadership of youth-serving [...]

Category: Blog

Topic: Hiring

Cultivating Belonging in Schools for Staff and Community Partners

Highline Community Partners Roundtable Part I by Anne Arias As we prepare for our annual Whole Child, Whole Day: A Social & Emotional Learning Symposium, I've been reflecting on what it means to cultivate belonging and a positive climate. I remember years ago stepping into a program [...]

Category: Blog

What does supporting the whole child mean to you?

by Mona Grife About a year ago, I went to a meeting about social & emotional learning that was expertly facilitated by Erin Okuno. I told her that day, I had a crush on her (even though I had just met her!) because of the artful way she made sure everyone was engaged. What stuck in my mind was [...]

Category: Blog