News and Events

Our blog highlights news from the youth development field, advocacy updates, and YDEKC member organizations. Blog spotlights are also shared in our monthly Field Notes newsletters — sign up for our mailing list!

Mar 14, 2019: YDEKC Measurement Toolkit Training: All About Youth Surveys

Measurement Toolkit Training: All About Youth Surveys Most programs use youth surveys for evaluation, but the quality and usefulness of these tools vary. This deep dive workshop will focus on designing, improving, and using survey tools. This workshop is part of YDEKC's Measurement and Evaluation [...]

Category: Blog

5 Lessons Learned from YDEKC’s Racial Equity Community of Practice

By Edward Cleofe YDEKC launched our Racial Equity Community of Practice—a group of youth-serving non-profit professionals committing to coming together monthly for a year to discuss the ongoing racial equity work in our organizations—in Spring 2017. Fifteen individuals from nine [...]

Category: Blog

Mar 4, 2019: Whole Child, Whole Day Mini-Grants

Whole Child, Whole Day Mini-Grants - Proposals due March 4th! [caption id="attachment_3059" align="alignleft" width="300"] YDEKC's Whole Child, Whole Day Symsposium, August 2018[/caption] YDEKC, with generous support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is excited to provide funding to [...]

Category: Blog