News and Events

Our blog highlights news from the youth development field, advocacy updates, and YDEKC member organizations. Blog spotlights are also shared in our monthly Field Notes newsletters — sign up for our mailing list!

Why is Advocacy for Youth Development Important?

by Rene Murry, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy I was recently asked “What would you like to see as a headline for a major paper in the future?”  After some consideration I came up with: “Washington kids rise! All WA children and youth housed, educated and thriving” I wonder: Is [...]

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Topic: Advocacy

What’s Your Elevator Pitch?: How Do You Talk About Your Program and to Whom?

by Anne Arias   “Your organization is Youth Development Executives of King County? So you represent the County government?” “Well, no….” Prompted in part by some of our colleagues’ experiences with potential stakeholders misinterpreting our organization’s name and the [...]

Category: Blog

January 21, 2020: Join us for Advocacy Day!

On January 21st, join advocates from expanded learning, mentoring, and youth-serving organizations for Youth Development Advocacy Day in Olympia! Have your voice heard by legislators on the importance of youth development programming such as expanded learning, mentoring, and case management. Youth [...]

Category: Blog