News and Events

Our blog highlights news from the youth development field, advocacy updates, and YDEKC member organizations. Blog spotlights are also shared in our monthly Field Notes newsletters — sign up for our mailing list!

May 9, 2019: Measurement Toolkit Training: Using School Data for Program Planning and Evaluation

YDEKC Measurement Toolkit Training: Using School Data for Program Planning and Evaluation Schools collect a great deal of information on the students they serve. Many schools are willing to share this data with CBO partners provided there are legal safeguards in place. This workshop will help [...]

Category: Blog

SAVE THE DATE: Whole Child, Whole Day: A Social & Emotional Learning Symposium

Register now for Whole Child, Whole Day: A Social & Emotional Learning Symposium on August 9th! [caption id="attachment_2637" align="alignleft" width="800"] Erin Jones facilitating Social Emotional Learning With an Equity Lens, 2018 Symposium[/caption] For more information on past [...]

Category: Blog

Apr 16, 2019: Building a Sustainable School-Community Partnership and Program

Building a Sustainable School-Community Partnership and Program If we believe community partnerships are fundamental to achieving and sustaining student success, then what are we doing to develop and maintain lasting partnerships between schools and community based organizations? In this [...]

Category: Blog